Sequence of placing products on a ground storage

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Sequence of placing products on a ground storage

Post by exoplanet »

Hello dear ED-Team,

I'm trying to simulate a part of an inbound logistic of an automotive manufacturer under the assumption of a just-in-sequence storage.
Implemented should be one source which is creating four different products. For now I realized this with a Trigger on creation and exit.

Trigger on creation: 4. Ordered icons: products are assigned 4 types of icons in repeating sequence starting with icon number 41
Trigger on exit:

Label([row], i) := 1 + Trunc((Output(c) - 1)/4),
Label([column], i) := 1 + Mod(Output(c) - 1, 4)

Could you moreover please explain me the function of "Trunc((Output(c) - 1)/4)" and "Mod(Output(c) - 1, 4)" a bit more precisly?

The current status is shown in the following picture and the sequence of placing the products in rows and colums is kinda correct for me. But..


The actual goal is, that the first brown product coming in is put in the fourth row then the pink one in the third and so on.. Like in the second picture below.


Thank you in advance!

best regards
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Re: Sequence of placing products on a ground storage

Post by exoplanet »

Model atm
Model atm
ED-Frage1.JPG (70.99 KiB) Viewed 37956 times
exoplanet wrote: Thursday 10 November, 2022 - 20:12 Hello dear ED-Team,

I'm trying to simulate a part of an inbound logistic of an automotive manufacturer under the assumption of a just-in-sequence storage.
Implemented should be one source which is creating four different products. For now I realized this with a Trigger on creation and exit.

Trigger on creation: 4. Ordered icons: products are assigned 4 types of icons in repeating sequence starting with icon number 41
Trigger on exit:

Label([row], i) := 1 + Trunc((Output(c) - 1)/4),
Label([column], i) := 1 + Mod(Output(c) - 1, 4)

Could you moreover please explain me the function of "Trunc((Output(c) - 1)/4)" and "Mod(Output(c) - 1, 4)" a bit more precisly?

The current status is shown in the following picture and the sequence of placing the products in rows and colums is kinda correct for me. But..
Model atm
Model atm
ED-Frage1.JPG (70.99 KiB) Viewed 37956 times
The actual goal is, that the first brown product coming in is put in the fourth row then the pink one in the third and so on.. Like in the second picture below.
Model goal
Model goal
ED-Frage2.JPG (43.82 KiB) Viewed 37956 times
Thank you in advance!

best regards
Gabe-Hein Dijkstra
Posts: 24
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Re: Sequence of placing products on a ground storage

Post by Gabe-Hein Dijkstra »

Hi Max,

Welcome to the Enterprise Dynamics community!

You already discovered that the basic assignment within the ground storage is done by setting the labels "row" and "column" on the products. If I understand your question correctly, you want to assign the columns based on the icon of the products. Hence, the code on the Trigger on Exit has to be adjusted.

In order to do this you might want to look at the basic Enterprise Dynamics functions in the Help. You can open the Help by pressing F1. The basic functions can be found in "4DScript Reference Guide > 4DScript Categories > Category Basic".

In the Help you can also find more information about the functions "Trunc", "Mod" and "Output".

I hope this helps!

Kind regards,
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Re: Sequence of placing products on a ground storage

Post by exoplanet »

Gabe-Hein Dijkstra wrote: Friday 11 November, 2022 - 10:06 Hi Max,

Welcome to the Enterprise Dynamics community!

You already discovered that the basic assignment within the ground storage is done by setting the labels "row" and "column" on the products. If I understand your question correctly, you want to assign the columns based on the icon of the products. Hence, the code on the Trigger on Exit has to be adjusted.

In order to do this you might want to look at the basic Enterprise Dynamics functions in the Help. You can open the Help by pressing F1. The basic functions can be found in "4DScript Reference Guide > 4DScript Categories > Category Basic".

In the Help you can also find more information about the functions "Trunc", "Mod" and "Output".

I hope this helps!

Kind regards,
Hi Gabe-Hein,

indeed it did help, thank you very much for the hint!

best regards :)

JIS-ground storage.JPG
JIS-ground storage.JPG (69 KiB) Viewed 37937 times
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Re: Sequence of placing products on a ground storage

Post by exoplanet »


hello again,

could you please help me out a second time? As soon I'm modeling a default system with no changes on the triggers at all existing of source, transporter 1, ground storage, transporter 2 and queue I'm getting the error "Attribute with name "exittrigger".." as shown in the attached picture. If I'm modeling the same system with a warehouse the error doesn't occur. Is it possible for me to get this error fixed somehow or am I missing something?!

thanks a lot in advance again!

best regards
ED-error exittrigger.JPG
ED-error exittrigger.JPG (240.63 KiB) Viewed 37912 times
Gabe-Hein Dijkstra
Posts: 24
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Re: Sequence of placing products on a ground storage

Post by Gabe-Hein Dijkstra »

Hi Max,

Of course I can help again!

It looks like there is code on the ExitTrigger of the GroundStorage which calls the attribute "ExitTrigger" of the product. An attribute with this name does not exist on the product, an hence you get an error.

My advice would be to check the code on the ExitTrigger thoroughly and possible comment out certain parts of the code to pinpoint the exact location of the error.

If this does not work, a possibility would be to share your model (on this forum or through my email:

Kind regards,
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Re: Sequence of placing products on a ground storage

Post by exoplanet »

Gabe-Hein Dijkstra wrote: Monday 21 November, 2022 - 10:06 Hi Max,

Of course I can help again!

It looks like there is code on the ExitTrigger of the GroundStorage which calls the attribute "ExitTrigger" of the product. An attribute with this name does not exist on the product, an hence you get an error.

My advice would be to check the code on the ExitTrigger thoroughly and possible comment out certain parts of the code to pinpoint the exact location of the error.

If this does not work, a possibility would be to share your model (on this forum or through my email:

Kind regards,
For the source in my model I'm using the following two functions/codes:

Trigger on entry: "4. Ordered icons: products are assigned 4 types of icons in repeating sequence starting with icon number 41"
Trigger on exit:
Label([row], i) := 1 + Trunc((Output(c) - 1)/4),
Label([column], i) := 4 - Mod(Output(c) - 1,4)

And I think the problem could be caused by the system consisting of the source and the ground storage by the declarations "icon number" on the entry and the "label" on the exit ?! But why am I not getting the error while using a warehouse with the same trigger codes?

Thanks a lot!
V1 (error exittrigger).mod.bak.mod
(141.23 KiB) Downloaded 1603 times
Gabe-Hein Dijkstra
Posts: 24
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Re: Sequence of placing products on a ground storage

Post by Gabe-Hein Dijkstra »

Hi Max,

Thank you for sharing the model.

Whenever I run the model, I do not get any errors. There also is nothing placed on the exittrigger of the ground storage.

Are you certain this is the model you are getting errors with? If so, can you send me your Enterprise Dynamics version so I can replicate your exact setup. You can find the version of Enterprise Dynamics by opening the interact (Shift + F6), typing the word "Version" and pressing Execute.

Kind regards,
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Re: Sequence of placing products on a ground storage

Post by exoplanet »

Gabe-Hein Dijkstra wrote: Tuesday 22 November, 2022 - 09:27 Hi Max,

Thank you for sharing the model.

Whenever I run the model, I do not get any errors. There also is nothing placed on the exittrigger of the ground storage.

Are you certain this is the model you are getting errors with? If so, can you send me your Enterprise Dynamics version so I can replicate your exact setup. You can find the version of Enterprise Dynamics by opening the interact (Shift + F6), typing the word "Version" and pressing Execute.

Kind regards,
Okay, that's kinda weird.. Yes, the code of the triggers is only running on the sources.

I'm pretty sure that this model is generating the errors (attached picture). I'm using an one-time extension-license of the "Student Special Edition 64bit" with the older Version which I installed togehter with ur colleague Matthijs Jongboer, because there was a problem while patching the "normal" extension-version which was provided to me in the first place. Maybe that's causing the problem?

Please let me know if you need further informations!

Thanks a lot!
error exittrigger.JPG
error exittrigger.JPG (268.68 KiB) Viewed 37869 times
Gabe-Hein Dijkstra
Posts: 24
Joined: Friday 13 May, 2022 - 10:16

Re: Sequence of placing products on a ground storage

Post by Gabe-Hein Dijkstra »

Hi Max,

I have discovered what causes your error. The problem has occurred before and was subsequently solved in the latest beta. However, as you are not running on that version, you do not have the solution yet.

I will send you a pm containing the updated ground storage atom which will solve your problem.

Kind regards,
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