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2 transporters dependent on 1 operator

Posted: Thursday 26 November, 2020 - 10:56
by MSS

Is it possible to use make 2 Advanced Transporters dependent on 1 Human Ressource (HR), meaning, each Transporter can only drive, whenever the HR is available and has arrived to the Transporter.
In elaboration, 1 driver and two empty Transporters that of course can only drive around when a driver is available.

I know how to do this with custom coding on Events etc., however, I am trying to help students build a relatively simple model using as many standard features as possible.

Thank you,


Re: 2 transporters dependent on 1 operator

Posted: Tuesday 01 December, 2020 - 09:43
by HarryBunnik
Hi Michael,

We have seen your question, but as you already wrote, this is not something that is standard possible. We are trying to find of a way, while using standard atoms, to make this work, but this takes a bit longer.

Gr, Harry

Re: 2 transporters dependent on 1 operator

Posted: Monday 07 December, 2020 - 13:42
by HarryBunnik
Hi Michael,

We've been struggling a bit with your question, hence the long response time, since this is not one of the things that is easily doable with the standard atoms (as you already concluded yourself).
Network with Advanced Transporter.mod
(82.38 KiB) Downloaded 584 times
In the added model (with thanks to Marlies), when a product arrives in the server (pick-up point), an HR is called.
This HR is jumping to the location and first after the CycleTime (you could make this the walking time of the HR), the AT is called. The HR is linked with the product, so when the product is picked up, the HR is moving along.

As soon as the product is dropped off (trigger AT), the HR is released and can take on the next task (tasks are divided over the 2 available AT's using a label ( Label([Transporter], i) on the servers). So yellow products go to the yellow transporter and red products to the red one.

I think that is the closest we can get, without making some changes within the code of the atoms.

I nevertheless hope this helps you further,



Re: 2 transporters dependent on 1 operator

Posted: Tuesday 08 December, 2020 - 10:50
by MSS
Hi Harry,

Thank you for the quick response.
I will try to implement the suggested functionality.

Best regards,