Agent stuck at stand portal.

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Posts: 22
Joined: Thursday 08 December, 2016 - 04:13

Agent stuck at stand portal.

Post by Ken8891 »

Good day. I am building a ingress stand scenario similar to my project. I encounter a situation when running the simulation. When all the agents are about to went to their respective seats, there will always be one or two agents standing at the stand portal, which looks like they are stuck there.

This scenario does not always appear. Sometimes all the agents went to their seat, sometimes there are two remaining agent just standing at the portal.I have rerun the simulation for a few times. It happen quite often. Can anybody help?

I have attached a picture of the agent stuck and the mod. Please try to help.

(553.38 KiB) Downloaded 1294 times
Agent stuck.jpg
Agent stuck.jpg (660.69 KiB) Viewed 28993 times
Posts: 301
Joined: Monday 17 January, 2011 - 09:28

Re: Agent stuck at stand portal.

Post by marlies »

Hi Kenneth,

I ran your model several times and it always happens with agents heading for the seats right above the portal. This shouldn't happen and seems to be a bug, which is now reported.

For now, I think that the following solution will work for you: change the setting transfer perc of the portal to 50% instead of 70%.

The idea is to increase the distance between the transfer line and the seats above the portal:
Capture.JPG (120.47 KiB) Viewed 28986 times
I ran the model several times using the 50% on both portals and the problem didn't occur anymore.

In the meantime we will look for a fix for this!

Kind regards,

Posts: 22
Joined: Thursday 08 December, 2016 - 04:13

Re: Agent stuck at stand portal.

Post by Ken8891 »

Hi Marlies,

Thanks for your reply. Greatly appreciate it.

I have changed the setting transfer perc of the portal to 50%, however the problem still persist, which feel weird to me as you do not occur this problem anymore. I decrease the transfer perc even further, all the way until 10% but the agent is still stuck there.

Best Regards,
Posts: 301
Joined: Monday 17 January, 2011 - 09:28

Re: Agent stuck at stand portal.

Post by marlies »

Hi Kenneth,

After updating the transfer percentage it is important to rebuild the network. I guess that that might be the reason why it's not working for you.

So, I suggest to try the following:
- Update the transfer percentages to 50%.
- Then go the menu Modeling > ECM Network.
- Click Clear and then Create.
- Now the network will be updated and the new position of the transfer line will be effective.

I hope this will fix it! If not, please post again.

Kind regards,

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