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Automatically start an ED application

Posted: Monday 13 December, 2010 - 13:19
by Fred
Can I change the way ED starts?

Yes! In the program directory of Enterprise Dynamics a file named exists. This file is executed first and contains the code to initiate the startup process.

If you look at this file you can see that it contains something like this:

Code: Select all

{ load suite }
if(1, {CmdLineOption([chooseApp]), }
 t := getfileopen(pdir([apps\*.app]),[E.D. Applications (*.app)| *.app]),
 if(CompareText(CmdLineOption([suite]), []),
  t := pdir([apps\logistics]),
  t := pdir(concat([apps\], CmdLineOption([suite]), [.app]))
if(not(CompareText(t, [])),
The getfileopen command allows us to choose the application that we want to open. However, if you always want to open the same file, e.g. Logistics, you could remove the getfileopen command and replace this by:

Code: Select all

t := pdir([apps\logistics]);
Note: is an ED system file which can be replaced with any update of the software. Make a copy!