Status Monitor

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Joined: Friday 09 November, 2012 - 10:37

Status Monitor

Post by LAC-Bursi »


I would like to display the status of several servers on the same status monitor, is it possible?

Thank you in advance

Posts: 301
Joined: Monday 17 January, 2011 - 09:28

Re: Status Monitor

Post by marlies »

Hi Fabio,

No, unfortunately this is not possible using the standard status monitor.

But with some 4Dscript and the circle diagram you could simulate your own status monitor, see attached example model.

Some remarks:
- The initialize atom activates the status logging with the function EnableStatusMonitor.
- The user events atom creates an event every 5 minutes to update the monitor. It just writes the busy/idle/setup times of both servers to the monitor.
- With this method you need to know which statuses the atoms can have! In the monitor you need to create a segment for each of this statuses yourself (tip: search for statuslist in the help and you will find a list of all standard statuses).
- You can update a segment of the circle diagram with the following function:

Code: Select all

  in(1,c), { first parameter refers to the monitor atom }
  1, { 2nd param refers to the segment to be updated, in this case the status }
  StatusTime(in(2,c),1)+StatusTime(in(3,c),1) { 3rd parameter is the update value, in this case the sum of the status idle time for both servers }
You will find the code to update the idle/busy/setup times in the code of the user event UpdateMonitor.

Kind regards, Marlies
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