server atom processing question

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server atom processing question

Post by ait-tek »

good day,
I am new to ED. I have a container containing 12 pipes that will be delivered to a machine by an AGV. I need to remove 1 pipe and load in to a machine using a robot, set up time will be 5 sec and cycle time/ pipe will be 150 sec. each pipe will be removed by a second robot and placed in to a second container holding 12 pipes. when the first container is empty it will be replaced with a full one, this will take place during the last pipe being machined no no loss of time (but would ne nice to have a variable for the delivery.

Thanks in advance for your assistance
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Nienke Valkhoff
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Joined: Tuesday 11 January, 2011 - 09:23

Re: server atom processing question

Post by Nienke Valkhoff »

Good day,

We already had contact some time ago during a call. Attached a demo model. Here the batching property of a server is used to create a batch of 12 pipes. In the demo I also use some scripting for the flow control. These functions are Openinput(c) and CloseInput(c), otherwise all products will be pushed through the model. You can then allow a new product to enter exactly when the last pipe of the batch enters the machine. The parameter of these functions are a reference to an atom, c will refer to the atom itself (the current atom). You can also use for example in(2,c) to refer to the atom connect to the second input channel of the current atom.

If you have any additional questions just let us know.
Demo batch of pipes.mod
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