Stacker Atom -Not working?

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Stacker Atom -Not working?

Post by Jtran »


I am a beginner and currently trying to apply the "Stacker" atom, and have encountered an issue.
I can not specify a label name. When I enter a name, and press OK, it is not there when i re-open the atom.
I have tried the following ways to reference my label name:

1. product name
2. label([product name], first(c))
3. label([product name], i)

Actual no matter what I seem to enter, it will not save it. I have tried all the combination of the following settings "Use product label" and "Labeltype is a value. Saves values fine in all the other fields.

Am i missing something, or is there anything wrong with that atom?

Best regards,

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Re: Stacker Atom -Not working?

Post by HarryBunnik »

Hello Jesper,

I fear that you're right and that there is indeed a bug in this Atom. I've made a small adjustment and it should be working now. So I add the updated atom to this post.
(33.32 KiB) Downloaded 1384 times
If you place this file (please rename the old one just in case) under your installation directory of Enterprise Dynamics (for instance):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Dynamics\Developer 10.1\Atoms\Processes\...

and restart Enterprise Dynamics, the new file will be automatically loaded and the label will be set and saved. I hope it helps you further, otherwise please let me know!

Kind regards,

Last edited by HarryBunnik on Wednesday 04 October, 2017 - 14:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stacker Atom -Not working?

Post by Jtran »


Thanks, works perfectly!

Best regards,

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Re: Stacker Atom -Not working?

Post by panda_mic2000 »


I am on enterprise dynamics 10.6, and am still facing the same issue. Is it resolved by now? Do I still download this new file?
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Re: Stacker Atom -Not working?

Post by MatthijsJongboer »

The solution presented in the atom has been implemented in the software. So it should work in your 10.6 version. Is setting the labelname causing problems or calling the value of the labels?
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Re: Stacker Atom -Not working?

Post by panda_mic2000 »

It's the label setting that is causing issues. When I set a labelname at the exit, it does not register at all, causing issues later in the model, especially if I want to calculate lead time for a stack. Right now, I am calculating lead times of products till the stack, and approximating a cycle time for stacking, but I am not able to include both at once and get it in my data recorder.
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Re: Stacker Atom -Not working?

Post by MatthijsJongboer »

Are you referring to the "Use product Labels" option available in the "Specific" section of the Stacker? Can you provide a small example model illustrating the problem?
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Re: Stacker Atom -Not working?

Post by panda_mic2000 »

There are 2 problems I am facing-
A. When I try to get the stack to go through when the product label changes, it does not want to do so. Here, I have a picture of the atom labels coming into the stacker, where there is a label called pack_type that either carries a value of 6,8 or 12. I have tried to write this under the specific tab of the stacker, but it does not send the stack forward when my label value changes, which I've checked by running it with a lower time scale.
Atom labels.png
Atom labels.png (89.5 KiB) Viewed 12076 times
Atom labels.png
Atom labels.png (89.5 KiB) Viewed 12076 times
B. The other issue is that If I add a label under trigger on exit in the stacker, it does not set a label for the atom coming out of it. I have set an atom label previously in another stacker before this, but it is not visible in this one. This is another error I have.
Pallet number.png
Pallet number.png (150.73 KiB) Viewed 12076 times
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