Portal crane assembly

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Portal crane assembly

Post by tvdv »


I would like to model a crane that assembles a product. I think I have come quite far, but would like some more input on how to make such a process work. Mainly, it has been a struggle to keep the portal crane atom from going into a deadlock. This deadlock seems to occur when:
- It should wait for a certain product (but that product is unavailable) and another product does arrive.
- A product is assembled, and a new product comes in

The first type of deadlock has been resolved by creating a 'void' part that is always pickable by the portal crane, and not put in assembly. This 'void' part is connected to entry 1 of the portal crane in the model defined below. This is of course not an elegant solution, so any other solution would be preferred.
The second deadlock is still in the model. I am unsure how to fix this.

I would like to know how to resolve these problems.
The model has been included and defined below.


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In the model above, 4 different parts have to be assembled on a flat surface (a sort of table) coming in from the bottom. These four different parts are the squares from blue to black. The amount of which these have to be assembled are defined in the b.o.m. table. This table is copied to another table, and the portal crane picks products based on this table. Each time a product is picked, the value in this secondary table is decreased for said product.
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Markus Holzner
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Joined: Thursday 20 January, 2011 - 13:31

Re: Portal crane assembly

Post by Markus Holzner »


I made some changes to your model (see my model attached).
The changed part is on the right side (I basically first copied your existing model part).
The changes I made are:
- removing the 'void' part
- minor adjustments like connections and label values (e.g. the label Channel).
- slightly adjusting the Crane "Input Strategy" by moving parts of it to the "Trigger on Exit".
- in Assembler "Trigger on Exit" I added an OpenAllIc command for the Crane to pick up work after a product is finshed.

That's basically it. I hope that solution meets your expectations.
If you have any questions, please let me know!

Best regards,
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