Is Human Resource capable of Round Robin in Server Atom?

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Is Human Resource capable of Round Robin in Server Atom?

Post by alex345boy »


I want to replicate a production process, where two seperate products enter the server atom. The human resource should only be
able to fulfill the task, when both components enter the server atom. The problem somehow ist, that my HR cannot complete the task?
My Server Atom settings are put to round robin as input strategy and batch= 2 / b in 1 out.
I call for human resource is triggered on entry and released on exit.

I would be really thankful for information about this.

Thank you!!
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Re: Is Human Resource capable of Round Robin in Server Atom?

Post by Deena »

Hi Alex!
Thank you for your question. If I understood your question well, you would like to call the HR atom to complete the task at the server. The server setting of round robin should not be any different for this case. Is it possible to share your model? It would be more clear to see the implementation made by you :)

Thank You!
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