AMD display adapter generate Access Violation when starting software

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AMD display adapter generate Access Violation when starting software

Post by MatthijsJongboer »

We see some users who receive an access violation when starting the software. The error throws an error window and the error monitor.
The error window looks like this:
Screenshot 2022-03-23 103303.png
Screenshot 2022-03-23 103303.png (238.16 KiB) Viewed 97539 times
The error monitor displays the text:

Code: Select all

Access violation at address 0000000000000000 in module 'ED.exe'. Execution of address 0000000000000000 -> USER EVENT STRING: execfile(pdir(concat(applicationname,[.app]))) (Ln: 1, Col: 1) "ExecFile" | C:\Program Files\Enterprise Dynamics\Student 10.4\
The issue can be related to a problem with AMD graphics and could be resolved by updating the drivers.
You can check your version by opening AMD Radeon Software (AMD Adrenalin) and see if any updates are available.
If you don't have this software or want to update to the latest version, please visit and download and install the auto detect tool.

Once installed (reboot could be required), you have the latest version.
If your AMD hardware is too old (e.g. designed for windows 7 or earlier), your version will remain 21.5.2 (running in legacy mode).
If that is the case, the drivers are no longer maintained by AMD and we have no workaround available. If that is the case, please consider replacing your hardware with a more modern system.