In my model a group of agents enters a building, passes acces control and wait at a waiting location until triggered.
In this waiting location I want to group to wait until everybody arrived and then move on to another waiting location.
I have groups of 30 agents every 15 minutes.
The help file offers me to functions for triggering agents in this situation:
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ActivityLocation_TriggerAllWaitingAgents(e1, e2, {e3})
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ActivityLocation_TriggerAllApproachingAgents(e1, e2, {e3})
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{**Trigger the agents when a group is complete**}
c, {**Current location**}
ActivityLocation_GetNumberOfAgents(c) = 30 {**Condition**}
c, {**Current location**}
ActivityLocation_GetNumberOfAgents(c) = 30 {**Condition**}
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ActivityLocation_GetNumberOfAgents(c) = 30
So how to address this loner? Or does anybody have a different approach.
In the help under Availability - Trigger on start there is a mention of
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*This isn't necessarily the last one entering, it's the last one who hasn't found his spot in the waiting area yet.. sometimes this is an agent being stuck between other agents who are in his assigned spot. So the location approaching option 'random' needs some work as well.