Strange model behaviour

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Joined: Sunday 26 October, 2014 - 23:54

Strange model behaviour

Post by BPeter »

Dear InControl,

I’m trying to make a simulation model of a metro station, but I’m struggling with a problem I can’t understand. I uploaded the model to Dropbox so that you can try and run it. (unfortunately it's too large to be attached) ... 9we0a?dl=0

The problem is the following: I’d like to use density based routing as this is how people normally behave in a crowded area. However, if density based routing is turned on (in the agent profile settings), after inspecting their tickets (doing the check ticket activity) some people tend to turn back from the access control gates and try to find another way out. This is quite strange since the most obvious way to any of the exits leads through the gate and across the space in front of the gates.

What’s even stranger is that if I uncheck the „use densities for routing” option in the agent profile settings, the „turning back problem” apparently disappears and the passengers pass through the ticket inspection gates as they should. But in this case, the arriving pax. would only use one of the escalators, despite the discomfort factors being the same for the two. :roll:

If I check the „use densities for routing” againg, the use of escalators becomes normal, but some people continues to turn back from the gates…
I can’t figure out an explanation for this behaviour. Could you help with that, please?

Thank you,
Posts: 11
Joined: Sunday 26 October, 2014 - 23:54

Re: Strange model behaviour

Post by BPeter »

Any ideas :?:
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Re: Strange model behaviour

Post by marlies »

Hi Peter,

I am very sorry we've kept you waiting so long! I just found out that the new-post-notification-system isn't working correctly at the moment, therefore your new request wasn't noticed.

I checked your model and ran the simulation with the "density routing" checked and unchecked. I do see the same behaviour in this model, which indeed looks strange. We will investigate why exactly this is happening in this model.

However, there is a solution to solve this problem using passageways. When modelling access controls with one-directional functionality it is always a good practice to add passageways at these locations, they give you more control over the agent's routing. So my advice would be:

- Add a passageway at each ticket control location in such a way that the activity location is completele within the borders of the passageway, you might set the size of the PW according to the length of the obstacles to the sides of the ticket control locations.
- Set the passegeways to uni-directional.
- Select the option "split edge" on each passageway.
- Then set the discomfort factor of the passageway to a very high number something like 50 or 100. This will prevent agents from routing via the access control unless the really must due to the activity location destination.

Hope this helps to solve the problem! Again sorry for the late reply!

Kind regards,

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Joined: Saturday 21 November, 2015 - 06:50

Re: Strange model behaviour

Post by ie_1989 »

Hi. I have encountered a strange problem in my model. The model runs normally until the middle of action timer. During emergency exit some agents got stuck at a specific layer named "Landing3-Main-2". Why does such a thing happen? When I move the stuck agents by the mouse they start finding their routes. I have attached my model.
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