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by ElroyDeege
Wednesday 11 May, 2011 - 10:55
Forum: Enterprise Dynamics 4DScript
Topic: Order of fast atom referencing
Replies: 0
Views: 54385

Order of fast atom referencing

Atom referencing can be done in many different ways. Here's a list of some standard ways to do this, ordered by computation speed so AnimAtom is the fastest of this list.

1 AnimAtom
2 vtp
3 First
4 Last
5 Next
6 Up
7 Out
8 In
9 Rank
10 AtomByName
11 TreeAtom
by ElroyDeege
Tuesday 10 May, 2011 - 17:06
Forum: Enterprise Dynamics 4DScript
Topic: Retrieve a string from ED while working with VBA
Replies: 0
Views: 53917

Retrieve a string from ED while working with VBA

It is possible to retrieve a string from ED while working with VBA in the folling way:

Use the Run4DScript function that has been made available in the type library of Enterprise Dynamics. The return value is indeed a value. The first parameter is the 4DScript expression that needs to be executed ...
by ElroyDeege
Tuesday 10 May, 2011 - 16:54
Forum: Enterprise Dynamics 4DScript
Topic: Return value
Replies: 0
Views: 53080

Return value

4DScript functions return either a value or a string.
However, if you want to convert a value returned by a function to a string, you can use String(...).

If you created your own function, this function will return the return value of the last executed statement in your code.

Moreover, the ...
by ElroyDeege
Tuesday 10 May, 2011 - 16:15
Forum: Modeling in Enterprise Dynamics
Topic: Debugging with tracer or message
Replies: 0
Views: 53668

Debugging with tracer or message

The larger a model gets, the more difficult it will be to control the behaviour of all atoms in your model. You may want to save yourself lots of time debugging by using traces or messages.

If it is unclear what effect an event has on a certain atom, you can trace relevant values or strings before ...
by ElroyDeege
Tuesday 10 May, 2011 - 15:16
Forum: Enterprise Dynamics Atoms
Topic: Monitoring with the Histogram atom
Replies: 0
Views: 54139

Monitoring with the Histogram atom

Monitoring particular variables during a simulation run can be very helpful. The Histogram atom contains such functionality.

First, connect the Histogram to the atom to be monitored and choose a variable to monitor.
Secondly, identify the classes to be shown in your diagram. This can easily be ...