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by Marnix Vos
Wednesday 05 June, 2024 - 12:11
Forum: Modeling in Enterprise Dynamics
Topic: Assembly
Replies: 4
Views: 9845

Re: Assembly

Hi Angeliki,

Splitting two types of products can be done by assigning them labels on entry/exit triggers. The queue can then base the queue discipline / send to properties on this label. This is quite straightforward, so if that solves your problems, I would indeed recommend doing that.

However ...
by Marnix Vos
Wednesday 29 May, 2024 - 08:52
Forum: Modeling in Enterprise Dynamics
Topic: Assembly
Replies: 4
Views: 9845

Re: Assembly

Hi Angeliki,

You are correct that the assembler atom has one input channel for each component type it expects. To get the functionality you desire, it is indeed best to have the components arrive from the same atom, whether it originates from the warehouse or the original queue. However, I think it ...
by Marnix Vos
Friday 10 May, 2024 - 10:57
Forum: Enterprise Dynamics Atoms
Topic: Disassembly
Replies: 2
Views: 54485

Re: Disassembly

Hi Angeliki,

The unpack atom is indeed the best tool for the described job. To achieve the desired functionality, I recommend one of two solutions:

1. Using two unpacking atoms in a series. On an unpacking atom, you can specify how many products it should "unpack" from the container. By setting to ...